(c) R(reisgihstti)v.eHcchiasnthgeesddeuprininngincgurfireelndtidnrtirvinensicdotomtahienpwinanllidnegpciennntienrg, afnrodmHaK is the given pinning center (resistance value of 38 Ω) for different values of the external magnetic field in the range [78–92] Oe. (d) Resistive ...
It did not matter whether or not the CTs were physically nearest-neighbours, because this formalism is set up such that the set of macroscopic chromosomal parameters is a self-consistent solution of a set of simultaneous linear equations. Therefore, to sefaixccpigleiertnaimteedetenhntiasslistlyyys...
Edmondson AC (2003) Speaking up in the operating room: how team leaders promote learning in interdisciplinary action teams. J Manag Stud 40(6):1419–1452 Article Google Scholar Edmondson AC, Bohmer RM, Pisano GP (2001) Disrupted routines: team learning and new technology implementation in hospi...
Test-Retest Reliability Percent fixation levels on motherese up to 1 year following initial testing were significantly correlated in the traffic paradigm, with ICC values ranging from 0.38 to 0.77. Fixation values associated with intervals greater than 1 year were significantly correlated only in the ...
Demographic information, medical information, OSA treatments used, and body mass index were measured for all enrolled participants at baseline and at each follow-up visit. Information on race was collected because severity of OSA can vary by race, and it was defined by participants using an open...
31 In 1959, Hubel and Wiesel32 carried out their famous experiments where they discovered that the visual system of the cat brain builds up an image from very simple elements into more complex representations. Humans group segments into objects and use concepts of object permanence and object ...
Why fight the guitar when you can have it set up to play like butter? Why continually pay lots of money for each guitar you own every time you need it set up or adjusted when you can learn to do it yourself. This course includes two hours of video lessons. Learn how to properly ...
I think the final flow is kind of broken, which is sad because this is what I was planning to use to speed-up the big projects. See new picture too. Problem Details Error: Internal Error: Sub-system: QHD, File: /quartus/comp/qhd/qhd_database_impl.cpp, Line: ...
Here, we provide first evidence that a second member of the chromosomal passenger complex, INCENP, is a potential MYCN target in neuroblastoma as INCENP mRNA was upregulated upon MYCN induction in vitro as well as in patients having tumours with amplified MYCN. In addition, exon-level analyses ...
Each group contains polyploid species from diploids up to decaploids, which is an interesting evolutionary characteristic of the genus Chrysanthemum6. Another characteristic is the occurrence of interspecific hybridi- zation even between species with different polyploidy levels7. Notably, the cultivated ...