were included in this project since 2016. However, as of 2021, the status of these two games is currentlyOn-Hold, it's unknown when anyone will be interested to continue on these two games or it might end up unfinished that will be removed from this project....
In cases where no visible object is currently using the higher mip level(s), they may be fully unloaded to conserve RAM. When an object again nears the player, the higher mip levels will be reloaded. This process is known astexture streamingand may be disabled in the game settings. ...
DLLs updated when installing a new version of .NET may need to be reloaded and your code might need to be recompiled and reloaded: As stated in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 949080 (see “Additional Reading” section at the end): When the CLR loads an assembly, the CLR verifies that th...