Picture Books for Teaching Life Education at the Elementary School Level in ChinaSetsuko NakayamaXia Peng XiangJournal of Asian Regional Association for Home Economics
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Corrigan, R., & Surber, J.R. (2010). The reading level paradox: Why children's picture books are less cohesive than adult books. Discourse Processes, 47, 32-54.Corrigan, R., & Surber, J. R. (2010) The reading level paradox: Why children's picture books are less cohesive than ...
Author: KeyWord:Size:27.88 M Age:Preschool Category: Textbook Resources >Teaching Plan Textbook Resources >CoursewareMore... Points Needed: DescriptionRelated ProductsPhoenibird—Chinese Picture Books (Level 3) Related ResourcesDistribution in China Beijing & Tianjin North South Online Bookstore ...
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Cai, Q., & Brysbaert, M. (2010). SUBTLEX-CH: Chinese word and character frequencies based on film subtitles. PLoS ONE, 5(6). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0010729 Chen, M., & Ko, H. (2011). Exploring the eye-movement patterns as Chinese children read texts: a developmenta...
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Q.: In a biogas energy system, 150 identical systems are put into operation, and each one’s performance is monitored for a predetermined period of 20 hours. The number of units that fail to function satisfactorily during these 10 hours is counted to be 10. 1. What is the estimate of ...