TRAUMA IN HISPANIC FARM WORKERS IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA: 10-YEAR EXPERIENCE AT A LEVEL 1 TRAUMA CENTERNot infrequently over the last 10 years, surgeons and nurses at the Level I Trauma Center at Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, NC, have been faced with the situation of a severely...
Data Sources and Study Population One hundred sixty-five trauma centers volunteered to participate in the ACS COT Firearm Study,15 with 128 centers ultimately contributing data. A comparison of participating vs nonparticipating TQIP centers has been previously described, with the primary...
Second, deaths assigned garbage codes were redistributed to the target causes according to proportions derived in one of 4 ways: (1) published literature and/or expert opinion; (2) regression models linking changes in the proportion of deaths assigned to a given garbage code and those assigned ...
Rape myths, which are present at both the individual and institutional/societal levels, are one way in which sexual violence has been sustained and justified throughout history. In light of an increasing accumulation of rape myth research across a variety of disciplines, this paper proposes to use...
“I always dream about being one of the best. It’s a focus of mine to be excellent in anything I do,” Lee explained. “Living up to that personal standard and competing against the best athletes in the world made the Junior International Cup an enjoyable experience. It really opened ...
"The one thing we're learning is that the physiological machinery that's activated when one is exposed to a life-threatening situation, such as a car crash or a very stressful situation, can lead topersistent painif things don't go just right," McLean said. "For car crashes, historically...
Gerontology Cognitive impairment and falls in the older adult population| Incidence and outcomes in a level one trauma center THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE Dena Shenk ChurchillChristineCognitive impairment has been found to be associated with an increased risk of falls among older ...
Key lessons learned about cultural considerations pertaining to alcohol SBI in one trauma center in the southern US were presented. Information included in the presentation was based on three years of alcohol SBI provided by counselors and doctoral and masters level student interns in a level-I ...
"The one thing we're learning is that the physiological machinery that's activated when one is exposed to a life-threatening situation, such as a car crash or a very stressful situation, can lead to persistent pain if things don't go just right," McLean said. "For car crashes, historica...
"The one thing we're learning is that the physiological machinery that's activated when one is exposed to a life-threatening situation, such as a car crash or a very stressful situation, can lead topersistent painif things don't go just right," McLean said. "For car crashes, historically...