Level 0.01 is a sub-level, located between Level 0 and Level 1 of the Backrooms. It is mistaken to be one of the many exits from the Backrooms. Description Level 0.01, like mentioned before, is a sub-level between Level 0 and Level 1. The level is frequently mistaken for being an ac...
Level 1is the 2nd Level of the Backrooms. Description: Level 1is a large, sprawling warehouse that features concrete floors and walls, exposed rebar, and a low-hanging fog with no discernable source. The fog often coalesces into condensation, forming puddles on the floor in inconsistent areas...
1.5万 2 3:36 App 【Backrooms密室】Level 998-穹顶 The Backrooms Zenith 4万 414 7:19 App Backrooms后室:Level ! 2894 22 9:23 App 【Backrooms后室】Level !-!复活了!异常楼层:深红旅馆The Hotel Crimson 2774 2 5:47 App Level C-1299“浓汤煮沸”危险又好吃的死区!!! 3573 7 2:20 App 【...
Level 2 L (The Leftrooms) "The Hallway Of The Collections"(收藏品走廊) Level 2 R (The Rightrooms) "Tunnel Made up Of Pipes”(布满管道的隧道) Level 3 “Electrical Station”(发电站) Level 3.14 "Level Pi/Level π" Level 3.2 "Wired Industry"(有线行业) Level 3.3 "Deeper Zones"(深层区...
Level 0 is the 1st level of the Backrooms, and the first level many encounter. Description: Level 0 is a non-linear space, resembling the back rooms of a retail outlet. Similar to its previous form, all rooms in Level 0 appear uniform and share superficial features such as a yellowish ...
【层级鉴定】level73-红壤。人家五级成堆实体,这个倒好,成吨! 1.1万 5 7:17 App 后室隐秘层级介绍:“蛇虚空” 12.5万 346 7:09 App 【backrooms】后室 Level 73 -“红壤” Coran与子之家 3.2万 147 3:19 App (后室动画—长篇!)level 73-红壤:“狗子必须死!” 6030 3 0:35 App 当你带领的...
Level -1, also known as "Grayscale Halls", is the 1st negative level of the Backrooms. Level -1 comprises a long hallway made of concrete walls and old, carpeted flooring. The color of the wallpaper will shift in appearance as one traverses the level. Th
02:48 02:48 呃...广告无法正常播放了 开通VIP广告权益,或关闭屏蔽广告功能 开通VIP会员 很抱歉当前视频暂时无法播放,请您稍后再试 去看看其他视频 【Backrooms后室】层级介绍Level50“边狱公路” Backrooms_小禾 IP属地:广东 分享 评论 点赞 更多
Backrooms: The Project is an immersive first-person found footage horror adventure game. Explore the different levels of this mysterious liminal dimension known as the Backrooms. With the aid of items you find scattered about the world, you must find a way to escape. Be mindful of your ...
虚数层又统称toprooms,toprooms里基本不存在backrooms实体 toprooms和backrooms共用level 0 世界上存在三种(也许更多种?)体质: 前厅体质:怎么折腾都只能待在前厅/前室 backrooms体质:能通过noclip来到后室,当然也能待在前室,但是去不了toprooms toprooms体质:只能去到前室和toprooms(包含level0) 欢迎大家补充设定()但是...