Following this, research that bears on this framework will be described. As will be shown, important individual differences would have been obscured if both stability and level of self-esteem had not been taken into consideration. I conclude by focusing on some issues of validity related to the...
Self-esteem serves as a gauge a kind of inner psychological meter of how much children feel valued and accepted by others, including family, friends and peers, based on research by Mark Leary, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, and others. This sensitivity to others...
Previous studies have built up evidence that an unstable self-esteem is associated with vulnerability to depression and that it outperforms level of self-esteem as a predictor for symptoms of depression. However, most of these studies have used student samples exclusively to investigate the role of...
Self-EsteemPredictionThe aim of this study is to analyze if there are significant correlations among self-esteem, humor styles and positive-negative affection and if self esteem significantly predicts humor styles and positive-negative affection. A total of 440 under graduate students (77% female) ...
SummaryRelationships between children's self-esteem, certainty of self-esteem appraisal, and intellectual achievement responsibility were examined in boys and girls at the sixth-grade (N = 146) and tenth-grade (N = 151) levels with use of the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale and the...
Gender Differences in the Source and Level of Self-Esteem of Chinese College students.This research examined possible gender differences in the source and level of self-esteem of 99 male and 90 female undergraduates from mainland China. There was little evidence of a gender difference in the ...
showed androgynous growth in the 1970s after a decline in the 1960s. Direct comparison between the sexes indicated that males are generally more androgynous than females. This result was obtained whether questionnaire self-descriptions were used as the source of data or whether observer ratings were...
Objectives: The identification of self-esteem and anxiety levels experienced by the students of the Technological Educational Institute (ΤΕΙ) of Athens, as well as the investigation of the potential correlations of these two parameters to each other and to other demographic variables. Method: Dat...
Sterling, R.C., Yeisley-Hynes, D., Little, S.G., & Carter, J.R. (1992). The effects of initial level of self-esteem, gender, and task outcome on causal attribution and affective arousal. The Journal of Social Psychology, 132, 561-564....
and devaluation of others.^ A methodology derived from empirical literature on self-esteem and defensiveness was employed to test the separate and interacting effects of these variables in predicting level of interpersonal maturity, degree of externalization as a defensive style and acceptance of others...