This research analyzes the influence of a personal finance course of 72 class hours per semester on the financial literacy level of Brazilian undergraduate students and also analyzes the influence of the cognitive ability on this learning process. We performed a quasi-experiment and we used an ...
Influence of Financial Literacy and Risk Perception on Choice of Investment During recent years, variables affecting the investment preferences of individual investors are an issue attracting the attention of financial researchers. In this research, we investigate variables which are affecting investment pref...
Planning and Financial Literacy: How Do Women Fare? Many older US households have done little or no planning for retirement, and there is a substantial population that seems to undersave for retirement. Of p... A Lusardi,OS Mitchell - Michigan Retirement Research Center, University of Michigan...
In this paper we study the differential impact of institutions (regulatory burden and rule of law) and individual level factors (human, social and financial capital) on the quality of entrepreneurial entry i.e. opportunity based versus necessity based entry in South Africa. We employ theories on...
more frequent emergency visits and hospitalizations. This research has three aims:i) measure the level of health literacy in the populations of Latvia and Lithuania;ii) investigate which demographic and socioeconomic determinants are associated with it; andiii) discuss the means of improving its curre...
24,27,30,33 For example, research conducted in the Ogun state in Nigeria found that the higher the level of education, the higher the rate of disclosure.24 However, a report from North-Eastern Nigeria found that low level of education is associated with disclosure.30 Financial inability also...
Previous research on organizations often focuses on either the individual, team, or organizational level. There is a lack of multidimensional research on emergent phenomena and interactions between the mechanisms at different levels. This paper takes a multifaceted perspective on individual learning and au...
Objective To understand the basic status and influencing factors of health literacy level in Sichuan Province in 2017 so as to provide theoretical basis for relevant departments of government at all levels to formulate policies to improve residents' health literacy level. Methods By using a multistage...
The objective of the research was to determine the level of financial education of high school students from public schools, according to individual, demographic and socializing aspects. The research methodology was characterized as descriptive regarding procedures such as survey and the approach of the...
IL (redirected fromIntegrity Level) Category filter: AcronymDefinition ILIllinois(US postal abbreviation) ILIsrael(top level domain) ILIndependent Living ILInternational League(AAA minor league) ILInternational Law ILIndex List ILInformation Literacy(research instruction) ...