Medical Journal of AustraliaSimons LA, Simons J, Magnus P, Bennett SA. Education level and coronary risk factors in Australians. Med JAust. 1986;145:446-450.Simons LA, Simons J, Magnus P, Bennett SA: Education level and coronary risk factors in Australians. Med J Aust 1986, 145(9):446...
WACE课程 WACE全称Western Australia Certificate ofEducation,即西澳洲教育证书,合格完成WACE国际课程的中国学生,与澳大利亚本土学生具备同等资格,参加澳洲的“大学录取考试”-TEE考试 学制 WACE课程学制为三年,主要包括英语、科学、商务、高等数学等科目。 课程设置及评估体系 课程专业性更强,10年级公共课,11年级开始细分为...
Over the last decade, programmes of specialised middle level teacher education have been established in response to the steady growth of middle schools inAustralia(de Jong & Chadbourne, 2007). The rationale underpinning these programmes is that middle level teachers require specific preparation in ...
British education is one of the mainstream ways of developing talents in international schools. Students usually choose to enter universities in the UK, Australia and Canada. Famous British universities emphasize early discovery and development of students' strengths, encouraging in-depth study in a ce...
courses, students who pass the exams will receive corresponding qualification certificates. The Edexcel General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (International GCSE) are designed for students aged 14 to 16, offering a wide range of ...
General Certificate of Education Advanced Level(英国高中课程),简称A-Level课程。A-Level课程证书几乎所有英语授课的大学都会将它作为招收新生的入学标准。澳洲八大也将它作为入学招生的一个重要考量标准。 A-Level课程适用于年龄在15—18岁之间,初中毕业以上的在校中学生或具有同等学历的职高生,去国外读大学的学生们。
WACE全称Western Australia Certificate of Education,即西澳洲教育证书,合格完成WACE国际课程的中国学生,与澳大利亚本土学生具备同等资格,参加澳洲的“大学录取考试”-TEE考试 学制 WACE课程学制为三年,主要包括英语、科学、商务、高等数学等科目。 课程设置及评估体系 ...
Learners use Cambridge International AS & A Levels to gain places at leading universities worldwide including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and many other countries. UK NARIC, the national agency in the UK for the recognition and comparison of international qu...
WACE(Western Australia Certificate of Education)即西澳洲教育证书,由西澳洲课程委员会(Curriculum Council of Western Australia)在国内开设全英文澳大利亚高中课程WACE课程,完成该课程的学生,可直接在国内参加澳大利亚大学录取考试,报考澳洲及英、美等其他国家的一流大学。
WACE(Western Australia Certificate of Education)课程 WACE课程即西澳洲教育证书。西澳大利亚课程委员会(Curriculum Council of Western Australia),隶属于西澳政府教育署,是负责西澳洲教育的设立、推广及监督管理的专业机构。在国内完成WACE课程的学生,可直接在国内参加澳大利亚大学录取考试,报考澳洲及英、美等其他国家的一...