课程设置: 绝大多数私立美高的课程仍然可以分三个级别:College Prep Course(CP),普通课程;Honors Course,荣誉课程;Advanced Placement(AP),美国大学先修课程,难度依次几何级递增,所以学生在选课时除了考虑兴趣爱好,还要注意选择合适的难度进行学习,以免最后AP考试分数太难看。 目前官网上可以查询到的AP科目有7大门类,36...
课程标准部分:美高+AP课程体系里的美高部分没有统一标准的。在美国,公立学校执行州共同核心课程标准;私立学校完全可以自行制定课程,一般私立学校课程有两个层次,一个是大学预科课程(College Prep),一个是荣誉课程(Honors),而在中国国际学校,美高+AP课程主要看美国校区的课程标准而定。 选课部分:选课数量上,IB和A le...
这里的honors-level work,有可能指的是学生工作,社会实践之类的综合能力。例如学生会长,就是一项荣誉,对此的经营和历练就算是honors-level work。仅供参考
honors-level 句子是这样的:we believe an applicant’s ability to do honors-level work at the college is a more relevant predictor of academic success than standardized test scores or undergraduate grade point averages. 英语作业帮用户2017-09-19 举报 用这款APP,检查作业高效又准确!扫二维码下载作业帮 ...
One of the biggest features of Limai international high school A Level Course is that we have added the Duke of Edinburgh Award Honors Course. The Duke of Edinburgh International Award was founded in 1956 by Prince Philip (Duke of...
SAT是由美国大学委员会(CollegeBoard)主办的一场考试,其成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国大学入学资格及奖学金的重要参考,它和ACT(American College Test)都被称为美国高考。 2016年改革后新SAT总分共1600分,分为阅读、文法和数学三部分,写作改为选考。由ETS承担其命题及阅卷工作。但是它们只是录取学生时参考的材料之一...
Jonathan Perry, now teaches both foundation-level and honors-level classes, and is also chairman of the English department. On top of that, he teaches in the alternative diploma of Keene Community Education, and says that the program does for its students. "The world has a bit since I ...
During college, I received six scholarship (four first class scholarship, scholarships in secondary II), three times three goods student, passed the English test level and computer level four. Several outstanding members. Finally, also won the "outstanding graduate" honors. ...
AP(Advanced Placement)作为美国大学的预修课程,是美国大学理事会(The College Board)在高中阶段开设...
Pharmacy (Honors) /Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours):A Level最好的3门课12分;IB 33分 Pharmaceutical Science: A Level最好的3门课9.5分;IB 29分 Pharmacy (Honours) (Scholars Programs) & M Pharmacy/Pharmacy (Honours) (Scho...