First, compared to WOTLK,Cataclysm Heroichas obvious improvements. I don’t doubt that today’s players will have any difficulty clearing Heroic, but having some proper gear on hand will really make your dungeon journey more confident. Secondly, you need an item level 329 gear t...
The intro quests there give you a massive XP boost, and if you roll with a skilled group, leveling feels like a breeze. So, talent up, team up, and watch those levels fly by! Starter Zone (1-10). Classic Routes in the Old World (10-30). These depends on faction you choose. ...
Nice boost to your EHP, but fury can take this, while loosing almost nothing. Improved Demoralizing Shout Increases attackpower reduction. Impale 20% bonus crit dmg sounds great, especially when you realise how much bonus crit % you can have from other talents. Best optional threat talent. ...
Glyph of Renew– Avoid this glyph. It’s just not good. It doesn’t boost the healing per Renew. Instead, forces you to cast it more often. Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain– This glyph is not useful to Holy at all. Don’t try to use it. ...
Evocation: This spell is an amazing way to increase your mana regen for when you’re completely out of Mana and just need a regen boost mid fight. Mana Shield: If you’re low on health, but regenerating mana quickly, try this spell. It makes physical damage drain mana instead of health...
The 50% XP boost from Hierlooms gives you so much extra XP that you basically skip an entire 40 levels going from 1-120 more or less, and Invasions basically give an entire 2 levels nowadays with heirlooms. Personally, they are already releasing Classic for those who want the "classic...
WotLK Priest Guide – Shadow (Level 80) Wrath Priest Guide Rating: Welcome to the Darkxss guide on how to play Shadow Priests. In this guide I hope to cover the A-Z of shadow priests and all the tricks I use to boost my DPS. This entire guide is written from a raiding ...
WotLK Shaman Guide – Ele (Level 80) Wrath Shaman Guide Rating: Introduction This guide is for an Elemental Shaman in PvE, a lot people think that Elemental Shamans are underpowered for Wrath of the Lich King. The guide is pretty much information gathered from across the web, to help ...
Best libram to date for a HL pally, even tho its gonna hurt your skill-score (i got a 264 libram just too boost my skill score when im not raiding) 2. Libram of Binding Light avoid it like the plague! (unless you wanna boost your skill-score, but NEVER use it for raiding) 3. ...
WotLK Death Knight Guide – Blood Tank Wrath Death Knight Guide Rating: Introduction This is the blood tanking guide i compiled for my guild from various sources and then changed/added what was needed to fit in with moltens own peculiarities. just though i would post this here so i ...