14:43 【暗黑4】ROB|The BEST Rogue Builds for Season 4 - Rapid Fire Scoundrels Kiss Guide 17:53 【暗黑4】Frostylaroo|蛮神ROB之歌 - Rob the Barbarian 02:57 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Diablo 4 - The New Power of Trade in Season 4 09:23 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Diablo 4 - Grenade Rogue Build Guide for...
Blood Surge Planner - Diablo 4 11:00 【暗黑破坏神4】wudijo | 试炼场终极乱射游侠 Diablo 4 - Rogue's Ultimate Barrage Gauntlet Setup 13:10 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 第2周新试练地图 New Gauntlet Map & Bad Rewards - Diablo 4 11:22 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 第2周新试练地图 NEW GAUNTLET MAP!
游戏以混合科幻与奇幻风格的设定所构成,故事叙述一个星际航行繁盛的宇宙,出身沙漠星球的17 岁少年主角杰斯特 罗格(Jester Rogue),一直梦想着能上太空到宇宙旅行,某日在因缘际会之下被宇宙海盗德鲁肯葛亚所收编,并与他17岁的女儿琪莎菈(Kisarah)一同展开横跨银河各星球的冒险。 《银河游侠》的战斗系统比较有特色,在...
Each of these items except the food and the amulet has a 75% chance of being cursed. In Rogue, the player's starting weapon was a mace, which accounts for its presence here. The Rogue level is eligible to leave bones files, and may contain the quest portal. ...
https://roguetrader.owlcat.games/news/en/45 Abelard, introduce the third gargantuan update 1.3 to the players! This major update contains over 1000 changes, focusing on QoL improvements, new content and bugfixes to make all aspects of your experience better! For your convenience, we’ve combine...
50 25 Energy. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. Subtlety Black Powder Name changed from "Shadow Vault" to "Black Powder". Shadow Vault Black Powder now deals additional Shadow damage to targets affected by your Find Weakness. Rogue - Subtlety Spec. Rogue - Subtlety S...
I was 75 on my Rogue at about day 10 (considering the early access), but granted during the first 4 days of early access I had cancelled every conceivable reason to go out of the house to play, so I was putting in anywhere between 10 and 14 hours a day into the game. It’s basi...
Magnum Quest Rogue Tier List S-Tier Flann She casts knife. Faction: FortressSkills:(Ultimate) Witch’s Hunt: Deals 280% damage in a fan-shaped AOE in front of Flann. Does 4x as much damage to enemies below 30% HP. If using auto mode, Flann will not use this skill on enemies above...
A Rogue deals more backstab damage. At specific levels, the range of the turn undead command increases, and the duration of the helplessness it causes decreases. High-level polyself forms last longer. Nurses are more likely to raise your maximum hit points. The average enchantment of generated...
For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months! ... MoP Remix Characters Will Transfer with a Gear Boost