The generally accepted mechanism for this reaction is the classical addition-elimination sequence that involves the formation of a Meisenheimer- type intermediate 1 (Scheme 33.1).doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18788-9_33Mar Gómez GallegoMiguel A. Sierra...
A-level生物的主要难点在于,你不得不记很多新词汇,长得都差不多,但意思却相差很远。添加文蓝君V:guojijun01获取Alevel/IGCSE词汇手册~A-level生物的mark scheme也比较具有迷惑性,就算你理解具体的概念有时候也很难得分,因为可能要求用特定的术语以特定的方式来展示这个概念或知识。总结一下,一开始学习A-level...
The level scheme of 91 Nb has been investigated with the reaction 90 Zr( p , γ) 91 Nb. Proton energies between 3.0 and 7.2 MeV were used. The γ spectra were taken with Ge(Li) detectors. Primary γ transitions to 36 excited states of 91 Nb up to 3.8 MeV excitation energy and many...
摘要: The 8.998-MeV resonance level excited by the (γ,γ′) reaction, which was previously assigned to 150Sm, is shown to belong to 144Sm. The level scheme of 144Sm is given and the re-evaluated level parameters of the 8.998-MeV resonance are presented....
BuildDefinition3_2 BuildDefinitionReference BuildDefinitionReference BuildDefinitionReference3_2 BuildDefinitionRevision BuildDefinitionSourceProvider BuildDefinitionStep BuildDefinitionTemplate BuildDefinitionTemplate3_2 BuildDefinitionVariable BuildDeletedEvent BuildDeployment BuildEvent BuildLog BuildLogReference BuildMetri...
The reaction used was 24Mg(14N,α p)33S at a beam energy of 40MeV. An analysis of DCO ratios and triple gamma coincidences was performed. So far, a new level depopulated by 3 γ -ray transitions has been found and its spin was determined. The work for further extension of the level...
Rascher, "Gamma ray energies and 36Cl level scheme from the reaction 35Cl(n,γ)," Nucl. Phys., A386, 245 (1982).B. Krusche, K. P. Lieb, H. Daniel, T. von Egidy, G. Barreau, H. G. Berner, R. Brissot, C. Hofmeyr, and C. Rascher, “Gamma ray energies and 36Cl level...
Study ofNb95by Means of theZr94(He3,d)Reaction The results are compared with the previous data on (3He,d) and (d,3He) reactions and 尾 decay. The proton configurations of 95Nb are discussed in terms of this data and recent theoretical results... L.,R.,Medsker,... - 《Phys.rev...
Section A – Question 1 (translation) into Chinese This task is marked using a points-based mark scheme in which 1 mark is given for each correct individual section of language. Please see the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Chinese (spoken Man...
FB8–noppt/nochange/noreaction[3] (e)MMORecordsbrownprecipitate/residue1 Collectionprovidedgreenpptinfirstboxof(d)[1] ©UCLES2010 Page6MarkScheme:Teachers’versionSyllabusPaper GCEAS/ALEVEL–May/June2010970134 QuestionSectionsIndicativematerialMark (f)ACEMarkconsequentiallyonobservationsin(d)and(e)1[1...