public PerformanceLevelUnit unit() Get the unit property: Unit type used to measure performance level. Returns: the unit value.validate public void validate() Validates the instance.value public Double value() Get the value property: Performance level value. Returns: the value value.Applies...
Details of the CMMC Level 3 Regulatory Compliance built-in initiative. Each control is mapped to one or more Azure Policy definitions that assist with assessment.
Abstract Biological models often contain elements that have inexact numerical values, since they are based on values that are stochastic in nature or data that contains uncertainty. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 3 Core specification does not include an explicit mechanism to include...
In multiple myeloma spatial differences in the subclonal architecture, molecular signatures and composition of the microenvironment remain poorly characterized. To address this shortcoming, we perform multi-region sequencing on paired random bone marrow
Most existing tools for constructing genetic prediction models begin with the assumption that all genetic variants contribute equally towards the phenotype. However, this represents a suboptimal model for how heritability is distributed across the genome
We demonstrate Janus' flexibility and efficiency by building 3 different classes of applications (17 applications in total, most not achievable on the existing RIC) and deploying them on a 100MHz 4x4 MIMO 5G cell without affecting the RAN performance. 1 INTRODUCTION A key transformation of the ...
Providing Very Brief Advice (VBA) comprising: i) ASK, identifying a patient’s smoking status ii) ADVISE, advising on the best way to stop and iii) ACT (OFFER), offering a referral to specialist smoking cessation support, increases quit attempts in the general population. We assessed whether...
66800 - UltraScale Memory IP - When the reset_n pin is located in a bank with an I/O Standard that has an incompatible voltage level, the following error is seen during 'opt_design': [Mig 66-99] Description Version Found:Vivado 2016.1 ...
Crises like COVID-19 exposed the fragility of highly interdependent corporate supply networks and the complex production processes depending on them. However, a quantitative assessment of individual companies’ impact on the networks’ overall production
In a, and b, bar heights indicate averages over two or more biological replicates (n) grown on separate days (except for T34D which has only one biological replicate), with error bars indicating one standard deviation for n >= 3. Overlaid points indicate individual biological replicates (...