The locus for hyperekplexia has been mapped to 5q32, a region known to possess several neurotransmitterreceptor genes. One such gene codes for the ligand-binding α1subunit of the glycine receptor. Six different mutations within the α1subunit have been identified. The residue is located at th...
A diagnosis of myelopathy was established based on the presence of hyperreflexia, including a positive Hoffmann sign, upper extremity sensory disturbance and obvious MRI-documented cervical spinal cord compression. Sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities in the peripheral nerves were within normal ...
A review. Arch Gen Psychiatry 38:815-20. ERICKSON RP 1980 Autonomic hyperreflexia: pathophysiology and medical management. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 60:431-440. HOLLISTER LE 1978 Tricyclic antidepressants. NEJM, 299:1106-1109. U'PRICHARD DC, GREENBERG DA, SHEEHAN PP, SNYDER SH 1978 Tricyclic ...