filePath = "/home/wwluo/data/stockData/" // 沪深交易所一起导入 market="ALL" // 手动解压后导入数据;如需要自动解压缩需要指定tmpPath路径 tmpPath = NULL // 全量导入数据;如需要指定分段导入,指定大于0的rowCount即可 rowCount = 0 jobId3 = submitJob("loadSnapshotData","loadSnapshotData",ExchDa...
LiXiaojuan-DolphinDB 提交于 2年前 . Update DolphinDB 处理 Level 2 行情数据实例 1. Level 2 行情数据介绍 1.1 数据概况 1.2 数据结构 2. DolphinDB 高效存储 Level 2 行情数据 2.1 分区方案 2.2 分区内分组排序 2.3 Level 2 行情数据存储方案 3. 基于历史数据的批量因子...
用户部署完 DolphinDB 后,需要将历史股票数据批量导入数据库,再进行数据查询、计算和分析等操作。DolphinDB 开发了 ExchData 模块,主要用于 沪深交易所 Level-2 行情原始数据的自动化导入,目前已支持的数据源…
One essential tool in your arsenal is the Level 2 stock data. These stocks provide real-time information on the supply and demand of a particular stock, allowing traders to see the bids and asks of other market participants beyond just the best bid and ask prices available through Level 1 d...
Get free real time stock quotes, level 2 quotes and live stock charts, plus news and alerts for active penny stock investors, stock picks, technical data, stock market news and market indices.
新浪财经A股Level2行情基础功能 Level2首页 推荐使用非IE浏览器,比如火狐、Chrome、360浏览器、UC浏览器等登陆使用 (各种浏览器可在新浪下载,地址 页面中部有各种浏览器下载链接)...
CREATEVIEW[dbo].[stock_tick]ASselect*fromstock_tick_2013_0101UNIONALLselect*fromstock_tick_2013_0102 ... 虽然从使用角度看,两者趋于一致了,但是使用UNION ALL将可能导致性能问题。相比分区表,如果where语句中有分区条件,只要扫描指定分区就可以了,但是使用这种UNION ALL方式将不可避免的扫描所的表。 当然...
Level 2 market data can help an investor make better trading decisions in the US stock markets by providing several advantages, such as: Identifying support and resistance levels: Support and resistance levels are price points where the demand and supply of...
Level II stock data can give you unique insight into a stock's price action, supply and demand, and levels of support and resistance. But there are also a lot of things that market makers can do to disguise their true intentions.