可以考MAT或者TMUA,成绩优异者offer条件可能降低。 爱丁堡大学 A-level:A*AA-A*AB 需要A-level数学达到A*,GCSE英语成绩C或4。 伦敦大学学院 A-level:A*A*A A*A*A,数学与进阶数学A*A*;或A*AA,数学与进阶数学A*A,同时STEP任何一科成绩达到2/AEA达到Distinction。 申请科目应该包括数学和进阶数学。看学生...
难度:因科目而异,部分课程(如AP微积分、AP化学)难度接近A-Level,甚至更高。 特点:注重学科深度与批判性思维,考试形式多为2小时笔试,题型复杂(如数据分析、开放性问题)。 2. 考核方式与评分标准 GCSE: 评分等级:1-9分(1为最低,9为最高),部分科目增设“卓越”(Distinction*)。 通过率:20...
Plus 2 other GCSEs at grade C or 4 (other qualifications that are equivalent or higher may be considered as an alternative to the additional 2 GCSE's) Craft Apprenticeship - Achieve a minimum of five GCSEs which must include: Mechanical Grade B or 6 in Maths; Grade C or 4 in English...
GCSE: English Language at grade C or above, or an appropriate English language qualification. Foundation year If you have the ability to study for a degree but don’t have the qualifications to enter directly to level one, you might consider studying a foundation year. We have formal links w...
(Double Award) at grades A*A*–CC GCSE in ICT at grades A*-C IGCSE in ICT at grades A*–C four GCSEs at grade A*–C BTEC First for IT Practitioners Intermediate GNVQ in ICT Learners who have completed a...
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at Grade C(4) and Mathematics at Grade C(4) (or equivalent). English language requirements IELTS Academic: 6.5 overall with 6.0 in each element. View the other English language qualifications that we accept. ...