Pay Matrix level 2 (GP1900) – Effective from 1.1.2018 Index5%7%DifferenceArrears 1199009951393398796 22050010251435410820 32110010551477422844 42170010851519434868 52240011201568448896 62310011551617462924 72380011901666476952 82450012251715490980 925200126017645041008
Matrix-free UV-laser desorption/ionization (LDI) mass spectrometric imaging at the single-cell level: Distribution of secondary metabolites of Arabidopsis thaliana and Hypericum species . Holscher D, Shroff R, Knop K, Gottschaldt M, Crecelius A, Schneider B, Heckel DG, ...
Shirvaikar M, Huanga N, Dong XN et al. the measurement of bone quality using gray level co-occurrence matrix textural features. Med Imaging Health Inform. 2016 October; 6(6): 1357-1362.M. Shirvaikar, N. Huang, and X. N. Dong, "The measurement of bone quality using gray lev...
ZnTeThe capacitance - voltage (C-V) and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements have been performed on a Schottky structure containing self-assembled CdTe quantum dots (QDs) embedded in ZnTe (p-type) matrix. A characteristic step on the C-V curve due to charge accumula...
The texture of an image is a function of spatial variations of the gray level values and it is used to measure the variations of the pixel intensity of the surface in an image. Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) is widely used for texture analysis and it shows how repeatedly...
gray level co-occurrence matrixThe rice planthopper images acquired by remote real-time recognition system usually have poor quality, and hence it is impossible to classify rice planthoppers using the color features of rice p...
By combining the factor load matrix data in Supplementary Table S3, the explanatory information of the principal component factor variables can be analyzed. Factor 1 was mainly related to good environmental and low-carbon behavior habits and methods of beach recreational users as well as relevant soc...
G(xj , xk) = xj xk (16) where G(xj,xk) is element (j,k) of the Gram matrix, where xj and xk are p-dimensional vectors representing observations j and k in X. [y, f (x)] = max[0, 1 − y f (x)] (17) where f(x) = xβ + b, β is a vector of p ...