-, 视频播放量 1433、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 3, 视频作者 diastereoisomer, 作者简介 想尝尝蚯蚓干是不是嘎嘣脆,相关视频:【WaterSortPuzzle】level 59 通关攻略,【WaterSortPuzzle】level 62通关攻略,【WaterSortPuzzle】level 57通
Water Sort Puzzle1.0 方法/步骤 1 首先拿起第三瓶混合溶液,把红色溶液倒入第四个瓶子,如图。2 接着拿起第一瓶混合溶液,把绿色溶液倒入第三个瓶子,如图。3 然后拿起第二瓶混合溶液,把红色溶液倒入第四个瓶子,如图。4 接着拿起第二瓶混合溶液,把绿色溶液倒入第三个瓶子,如图。5 最后拿起第二瓶黄色溶液...
水排序拼图Level 227第二百二十七关(WaterSortPuzzle)是水排序拼图(Water Sort Puzzle)攻略201-300的第27集视频,该合集共计100集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Water Sort Puzzle 21.0 方法/步骤 1 首先把第三支试管里面的橙色溶液倒入第五支试管,分离橙色溶液,如图。2 接着把第三支试管里面的粉色溶液倒入第四支试管,分离粉色溶液,如图。3 紧接着把第二支、第一支试管里面的紫色溶液倒入第三支试管,分离紫色溶液,如图。4 然后把第二支、第一支试管里面的橙色溶液...
(7)(7') Do you want a cup of water? (8)(8') Most linguists like pizza. (9)(9') Even Oscar would. (10)(10') I want you to be a pig. Assuming that a parrot does not have sufficiently rich internal representations to enable it to understand what it appears to be saying, nor...
So here's a great puzzle: 所以这里有个很大的疑问: 22 in a universe ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, 在一个被热力学第二定律所约束的宇宙, 23 how is it possible to generate the sort of complexity I've described, 它是怎么可能产生我所描述的那种复杂的, ...
Moreover, eighty-nine percent of the 160 countries surveyed reported having school health and nutrition programs, with most emphasizing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, water, and whole grain cereals and limiting savory snacks, cakes and pastries, fried foods, salt and high sodium condiments,...
So here's a great puzzle: in a universe ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, how is it possible to generate the sort of complexity I've described, the sort of complexity represented by you and me and the convention center?
Water Sort Puzzle1.0 方法/步骤 1 首先拿起第一瓶混合溶液,把里面的黄色溶液倒入第二个瓶子,如图。2 接着拿起第四瓶混合溶液,把里面的红色溶液倒入第三个瓶子,如图。3 然后拿起第一瓶混合溶液,把里面的绿色溶液倒入第四个瓶子,如图。4 接着拿起第一瓶混合溶液,把里面的红色溶液倒入第三个瓶子,如图。5...
11 Water Sort Puzzle1.0 方法/步骤 1 首先拿起第四瓶混合溶液,把红色溶液倒入第一个瓶子,如图。2 接着拿起第三瓶混合溶液,把绿色溶液倒入第四个瓶子,如图。3 然后拿起第二瓶混合溶液,把黄色溶液倒入第三个瓶子,如图。4 最后拿起第一瓶红色溶液,把红色溶液倒入第二个瓶子,如图,这样就过关了。