We believe Flutter will eventually get a dominant position in the mobile development scene, so it’s essential to have tools that ensure that your applications are rock-solid safe. Meterian’s support for Dart brings you a suite of benefits: Boosted Security: Spot vulnerabilities early in the ...
“The focus for CapMan Buyout is to have the right people in the right positions. Both recruitments and the development of talent from within are in a key position. Promotions and responsibilities are made based on merit. Currently 27% of the investment team is female and more than 50% ...
Wir fördern ein integratives und offenes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem sich jeder so zeigen kann, wie er ist. Bei Accenture ist jeder Bewerber willkommen: unabhängig von Herkunft, Nationalität, Glaube, Behinderung, Alter, Familienstand, Partnerschaftsstatus, sexueller Orientierung, Geschlecht und ...
As you know, most of the companies that provide consulting services to Huawei are based in the US, including dozens of companies like IBM and Accenture. Second, we also have been receiving support from a large number of US component and part manufacturers over all these years. In the face ...
According to the “2021 China Enterprise Digital Transformation Index” research report released by Accenture, considering the epidemic situation and changes in international relations, 80% of enterprises have tried to carry out digital transformation, but only 16% of enterprises have achieved significant...
Accenture bietet Einsteigern viele Karrieremöglichkeiten und die Chance, mit ihrem Talent die Welt zu verändern. Erfahre mehr.
InwardFDIinJapan Introduction RapidExpansionofGlobalFDI:7.3foldfrom1990to2011 •FactorspromotingFDI •LiberalizationinFDIPolicy:AttractingFDI,inorderto promoteeconomicgrowth,Internationalcompetition toattractFDI •PrivatizationofGovernmentEnterprises •AbundantAvailabilityofFundsforFDI LowLevelofInwardFDIinJapan ...