Medical marijuanaLegalizationInterrupted time seriesBackground: We examined marijuana and alcohol use trends among drivers aged >= 16 years evaluated at Level I trauma centers before and after Arizona legalized medical marijuana in April 2011.Jones, Jefferson M.Shults, Ruth A.Robinson, ByronKomatsu, ...
Phoenix Children’s provides world-class inpatient, outpatient, trauma, emergency and urgent care to children and families in Arizona and throughout the Southwest. As one of the largest children’s hospitals in the country, Phoenix Chi...
Randy is a trauma therapist assigned to the PTSD Treatment Team at the Southern Arizona VA Health Care Systems (SAVAHCS) in Tucson, Arizona. He is trained in cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, hypnotherapy, EMDR, acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, ...
UMC losing 3 surgeons at level-1 trauma siteCARLA MCCLAIN, ARIZONA DAILY STAR
BackgroundWe examined marijuana and alcohol use trends among drivers aged ≥16 years evaluated at Level I trauma centers before and after Arizona legalized medical marijuana in April 2011.doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.041Jefferson M. Jones a b c...