Relationship of Helmet Use and Head Injuries Among Motorcycle Crash Victims in El Paso County, Colorado, 1989–1990. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1995, pp. 363–369. Google Scholar, Crossref9. Bledsoe, G. H., and Li, G. Trends in Arkansas Motorcycle Trauma After ...
October 11 – 15 Kripalu: Center for Yoga and Health East Coast Cell-Level Healing Retreat – all levels Stockbridge, MA More info hereInternational Near Death Studies (IANDS) Seattle Chapter Meeting Dec 5, 1:30 – 5:30 PM Talk and book signing with Joyce Hawkes, PhD More info here: ...
During the same period, a smaller number of counties, primarily along the Mexico border, in northwestern New Mexico, central Colorado, and southwestern Montana, near Washington, DC, and in eastern Pennsylvania, experienced moderate declines. Transport Injuries Transport injuries (Figure 7) caused 1...
The most devastating impact of flooding is the loss of human life, with 75% of deaths in flood disasters the result of drowning. People can also lose their lives in other ways due to flooding—physical trauma, heart attack, electrocution, fire, poisoning, and more.23 Property Damage B...
Table 1. Study and Patient Baseline Characteristicsa View LargeDownload SourceNo.No. (%)Median Follow-up, yMore Intensive LDL-C LoweringLess Intensive LDL-C Lowering WomenHistoryTreatmentBaseline LDL-C, Mean (SD), mg/dLLDL-C Reduction, %TreatmentBaseline LDL-C, Mean (SD), mg/dLLDL-C Redu...
Master This No. 1 –Tailor Your Tests There’s a time and a place for everything, including snowpack tests. And a full 90 cm pit isn’t the end-all and be-all of understanding snow stability. Sure, it’s helpful to get to know the snowpack in a new setting or to go deep (liter...
demonstrated the effectiveness of using such imagery for quantifying building stock and assessing damages; and (iii) Platt [27] employed VHR WorldView-2 and LiDAR imageries for mapping wildfire hazard of the home ignition zone (HIZ, a small area of the WUI) in the west of Boulder (Colorado,...