Besides light, the interaction of the environmental conditions and their possible optimal ranges in a controlled environment with artificial light for lettuce in seedling and in later stages is also discussed. For the successful production of lettuce in smart PFAL systems, the knowledge regarding ...
[8]Rice Production in Cambodia; Nesbitt, H.J., Ed.; International Rice Research Institute: Manilla, Philippines, 1997; pp. 15–29. [9]Shackley, S.; Sohi, S.P. An Assessment of the Benefits and Issues Associated with the Application of Biochar to Soil; Report to the Department for Env...
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is the most important among leafy vegetables and is usually eaten raw [1]. As it is a cold season crop, it is widely grown in temperate and subtropical regions. About two thirds of the worldwide production area is in Asia [2]. In Japan, it is the fourth...
The plants have a role in the water purification process because they absorb the nitrogen and phosphorus that is excreted into the water by the fish, resulting in a reduction in the use of fertilizer in the hydroponics system, which results in a reduction of the production costs. This ...