The farm, which had opened two years earlier, seemed to be running smoothly, growing tens of thousands of pounds of lettuce per year inside a robot-filled 60,000-square-foot warehouse. The brand was selling salad kits—like a taco-themed version with the company’s baby romaine, plus guaca...
Lettuce needs 1-1 ½” (2.5-3.8 cm) of water per week. Plan to irrigate if you don’t get enough rainfall. Lettuce that doesn’t get enough water turns bitter and bolts.FertilizingIf you build organic soil amendments into the soil at planting time, no subsequent fertilizing is necessary...
Zestimate per sqft Unavailable Zestimate history & details Comparable homes These are recently sold homes with similar features to this home, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, location, and square footage. This home -- Off Market 1 bed 1 bath 800 sqft 1 7721 Brook Blvd $80,000 Sold 9 month...
13.7 years agoUncategorized I wasn’t exactly good about eating my lettuce last year, after a few weeks of neglect the plants began to flower and eventually created some seeds. At the end of the season I pulled out the plants to dry out a little more and eventually forgot about them for...
This book builds on the planting principles discussed in Square Foot Gardening. Five Acres and Independence Interesting book for those who would like to be more self-sufficient and gain economic independence. It was written at a time when it was more feasible to be totally self-sufficient by ...
Figure 3.Leaf expansion in response to various fluence rates and wavelengths of light. Thai Oakleaf plants were grown for 14 d under three fluence rates of blue, white, and red light, and the area of the second true leaf was measured. At least 20 plants were measured per experimental repl...