CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTIONWhat’s in the book? It tells of a simple method to reach great clarity and transcend your problems along the way. It’s not by finding the answers, but by undoing the basis of the problem.CHAPTER2 THE MECHANISM OF LETTING GO①What is it?Letting go is like the sud...
并且在深夜虔诚祈祷可能那么几十年后科技发展到人类可以活得更久……寒假看的《Flowers for Algernon》,那个时候在感受到那种不可遏制的失控的悲壮感的同时感觉这种短暂的绽放充满了某种悲剧色彩的美感。现在发现原来讲的不是某个人,而是每个人。小时候看那种人类悲剧性的宿命。像是老人与海。像是出师未捷身先死。曾...
Letting Go of Old Ideas (Book Review)doi:10.1177/0025802413518528SusskindHarperlaw firmslegal educationrankingsTwo recently published books apply a rigorous analytical lens to the same topic — the state of the legal profession — and come to dramatically different conclus...
Pay close attention to this sentence. Notice that you are not being given a command but instead asking yourself a question. That question is whether it is possible for you to let this emotion go. To make it easier to let the emotion go, do not think about the emotion as a concept such...
Facebook Tumblr More LikeLoading... Posted inthe 'now' momentanatta,anicca,Buddhism,conscious awareness,letting go,loving-kindness,metta,mindfulness,non-duality virtue leads to release September 26, 2024 4 Ajahn Sucitto [Excerpts from “Kamma and the End of Kamma”] ...
The knife of never letting go- review “Prentisstown isn’t like other towns.” Expect that Prentisstown is pretty similar to every other town/settlement in the book, though that line, which was ... 0回复 · 0 有用豆瓣阅读热门小说 1 失笑 2 六姊妹 3 这里没有善男信女 4 D侦探社...
Devotions For Moms | Letting Go Letting God - 30 Day Devotional for Moms of College Freshmen will bring encouragement to moms of college students.
Book Review: Holding on or Letting go: Men and Career Change at MidlifeHolding On Or Letting Go: Men and Career Change at Midlife by OshersonSamuel D.. New York: The Free Press, 258 pp., $19.95, 1980. 喜欢 0 阅读量: 15 作者:...
Find peace and clarity on one or many issues or just about your life in general. As one client called it: “it’s a complete paradigm shift in your way of viewing the world”. I am here to help you let go of things that no longer serve you. Find clarity, peace, renewed sense of...
What inspired this book, Alex? 10 years ago it was clear that I had to let go of fear, shame and guilt if my marriage was going to survive. For the first 18 years of my marriage, I was insecure, thinking that my wife, Mary Beth, was going to leave me. My obsession put pressure...