Forty-three letters to the editor from the Daily Mail newspaper in the fall of 1977 were analyzed based on these categories. Examined were the questions: (1) What are the linguistic markers for each of the categories? (2) How are category boundaries marked? (3) What are the sequential ...
Why: The “Letters to the Editor” section is one of the most widely read sections of the newspaper and often reaches a large audience. It offers the perfect opportunity for community members to comment on the way issues are being addressed in the media and to influence what topics the ...
I wholeheartedly agree with Frank Konop [Smithtown freight yard is a threat to our community,[TBR News Media, Jan. 23] that the proposed Townline Rail Terminal will do more harm than good to residents of Smithtown township.However, his attempt to link it to the wildfires in southern Califor...
Anchor Point, a small town which has had three killings by police in the last few years. One person was shot while in his auto and a Russian was shot when police were called out to his home. A lady was just shot a few weeks ago. We hear about this when it happens in the newspap...
Letters to the Editor Why we need organized labor more than ever Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018 This was the headline I read a few days ago: “Where Did Your Pay Raise Go? It May Have Become a Bonus.” Companies are using bonuses, not as simply a tool to reward excellent work or to ... @CurryPilot Latest news can be found online at: $1.50 2 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 Opinion & Letters CURRY COASTAL PILOT Letters to the Editor Guest Columns Know who you are voting for Since the 2016 Presidential campaign, everyone over the ...
Born in Freeland, Pennsylvania, Steve had been a resi- dent of the Washington area since November, 1941 when he AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER came to work with the Lend-Lease Administration. He was a graduate of MMI Preparatory School of Freeland, the Volume 49, Number 50 P.O. Box 68, ...
Return to Homepage email Commentary The Short North Gazette welcomes all letters to the editor, but reserves the right to edit them for space and clarity. All letters for publication should include name, address, phone, and permission to prints. Mail to...
To send YOUR OWN e-mail to the editor,just click onE-Mail the Editor. /// WAR ROOM Susan Collin Marks and I both very much liked your piece (“Tough on Terrorism AND Tough on the Causes of Terrorism: Our Only Hope,” November 2001). Indeed, we thought it was extraordinary....
Newspaper article from Wales On Sunday (Cardiff, Wales) Article details Beginning of article NOW that Gordon Brown is being forced to ensure Parliament cleans up its act after the Daily Telegraph's expos of sleaze and malpractice, I suppose he expects to be rewarded at the ballot box. No ...