Letters to My BrotherWhen 18-year-old Tyler Clementi jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge in...Clementi, JamesOut
(Lettersto MyBrotherFarmers,1926),which devotedmuch attentionto theproblemofpoliticalleadership.AseverecriticofUkrainiansocialdemocracy, Lypynskywas aconservativewhohopedforthesolidarityofallclassesand theUkrainianizationoftheRussifieddomi-nantclassinUkraine.Theeventsof1991provedhim agood prophet.PartIII... The...
27Letters to My Brother Farmers (excerpts)VIACHESLAV LYPYNSKYViacheslav Lypynsky (1882-1931) was a prominent historian, sociologist,and political theorist. A descendant of the Polish szlachta, he studied in Kra-kow and Geneva. In 1912 he published his monumental work Z dziejowUkrainy (From the...
there is another sunshineThough it be darkness thereNever mind faded forests, AustinNever mind silent fieldsHere is a little forestWhose leaf is ever greenHere is a brighter gardenWhere not a frost has beenIn its unfadi...
All Mum's Letters To this day I remember my mum's letters.It all started in December 1941.Every night she sat at the big table in the kitchen and wrote to my brother John,who had been drafted that summer.We had not heard from him since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor....
All Mum’s LettersTo this day I remember my mum’s letters. It all started in December 1941. Every night she sat at the big table in the kitchen and wrote to my brother John, who had been drafted that summer. We had not heard from him since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.I ...
My brother, Tim, who had just flown back to Colorado after the birthday party, got back on another plane to Raleigh to be with us. Larry headed down the highways from Pennsylvania. Our dad was left in a hospital bed, unable to lift his right leg or arm. Fortunately, his mind was as...
《To My Sister, from Your Angel Brother With Love: A Collection of Inspirational Love Letters》是一本图书。内容简介 This book is dedicated to all the sisters who's brothers have unfortunately died, but continue to live in another dimensi...
a我回校后会及时补上落下的功课,请老师放心,这是我哥哥寄来的信。 After I return to the schoolwork which the school can make up promptly falls, asks teacher to feel relieved, this is a letter which my brother mails.[translate]