Dear Future Me is a heartwarming and hope-filled new film series showing students sharing personal letters written to their future selves.
How would you react if you met your future self? How would you interact? Create a sample dialogue—see where it goes! And finally: What are ways that you can seek to love your future self no matter how much the future varies from what you expect it would be? Time travel is possible...
我很激动,我决定写封信给将来的自己。I wrote the encouraging words, so when I see the letter in the future (未来), I would have the good mood.我写下了些激励的字眼,这样将来我看到信了,就会有好心情。I was so looking forward to getting the letter in the future.我期待将来收到这封信。
I wrote the encouraging words, so when I see the letter in the future (未来), I would have the good mood. 我写下了些激励的字眼,这样将来我看到信了,就会有好心情。 I was so looking forward to getting the letter in the future. 我期待将来收到这封信。
I was soexcited (激动的), I decided to write a letter to the future me. 我很激动,我决定写封信给将来的自己。 I wrote the encouraging words, so when I see the letter in thefuture (未来), I would have the...
and thinking about what the future might have in store for you. I continue to feel the bittersweet emotions that come with watching you grow so quickly. Our relationship has evolved into one where we can have conversations that feel bigger. We continue to learn from you just as much as yo...
To the future sisters of the world— NEVER SETTLE. You were not put on this Earth to abide by the social conditions of this society. If there is something you truly want, promise me you will go out and do it. This life is a short one, an extremely short one. Do the things you ...
Archive for ‘Letters to myself’ 吉祥经 如是我闻。一时佛住舍卫国祈陁园给孤独精舍,时已夜深,有一天神,殊甚光明,遍照园中,来至佛所,恭敬礼拜,站立一旁,以偈白佛言: 众天神与人,渴望得利益,思虑求幸福,请示最吉祥。 世尊如是答曰: 勿近愚痴人,应与智者交,尊敬有德者,是为最吉祥;...
Yourself– Nothing is quite as emotional as receiving a personal letter from yourself. When I was a senior in high school, my English class had an assignment where we wrote a letter to future us, and our English teacher held onto them for a year and sent them out in my first year of...
4.Have you ever dreamed about sending a letter to yourself or your friends in the future?While express mail is a fast way to send your letters.there is another type of mail appearing in China as a new business-future mail. The letter should be sent nex