“After My death on the Cross, I descended to a place which was neither Hell nor Purgatory—a place where many awaited Me—the patriarchs—Moses, My foster father Joseph, to name a few. Before I released them to enter the glory of Heaven, ...
💌💌💌📲👀🤞💘💘🕊🕊🕊🕊👩🏻🌾👩🏻🌾 …“Love Letters to Her” … mixtape … on soundcloud now …
trust them by relying on their 31kindness understanding of trust can help us reduce 32. povertyIt is difficult to measure trust in a laboratory setting, so trust is conditional which involves a 33.risk, thus people would be 34.hurt, but people pay attention to recognizing a person’s 35. ...
It was on the night breaking into the New Year that we had (my platoon and another which for the moment was under me) our baptism of fire really and truly. We were moving from the rear trench, from which I wrote that morning to you, to one closer behind the first line. Our road ...