IMMIGRANT familiesIMMIGRANTSDESPAIRLETTER writingNINETEENTH centuryThe letters written by immigrants to their family and friends in the homeland are pieces of a mosaic that provides a wider picture of the personal stories of migration. The analysis of migration has too often ...
摘要: Letters have always been sent home from those who have migrated to different lands. This paper describes a project in which two collective letters were created to link Mexican migrants to their homeland communities.关键词: electronic publisher online databases online resources Australasian ...
Gov. Greg Abbott is concerned about the “heartbreaking and inhumane conditions” for the migrant teens coming to Dallas. I don’t remember Abbott saying a word when Donald Trump was separating toddlers from their own families with no p...
Monica’s letters from 1972 until 1979 have been lovingly preserved. In these excerpts, when the young family lived in the Jerusalem suburb of Sanhedria Murhevet with many new immigrants, she wrote about theYom Kippur Waras it unfolded. Many similarities may be drawn to our experiences of a...
This letter is responding to today’s Press Democrat article, “U.S. border arrests on track to break record,” Dianne Solis, the *Dallas Morning News*. As noted in this fine article, recent “illegal” (or not?) immigrants originating from countries which have broken diplomatic relations wi...
You wrote, about immigrants: “Most are NOT fleeing danger.” Perhaps, but so, so many are. In the spirit of our country’s “melting pot” tradition, and to address one of Trump’s recurring themes, I ask you to investigate the statistics of crimes committed by ...
Regarding “French dilemma” (November 2), France’s colonial past in Vietnam did not prevent integration of Vietnamese immigrants, and cannot be blamed for the growing Islamist violence and separatism in France. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “It becomes more and more ...
immigrating to the US. According to some literature, the first American immigrants from Europe were mainly poor people from urban areas. The migration returns for them were positive, about 70%, but relatively lower than for Mexican immigrants. I remember your mother’s family came from Germany....
the century when this country produced its best-ever radicals in Gene Debs, Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, and immigrants like Emma Goldman. They argued for livable lives for all Americans and were framed, defamed, deported, and murdered by capital for their efforts. Today, thanks to a who...
Businesses hire undocumented immigrants becauase it’s easy to abuse them. They live in fear of being sent back to the hell they came from, which likely is even worse than what they’re experiencing. Business wants control of its workers lives. Back when my grandparents worked in the ...