Stalin’s Toast was his attempt to extend the national unity of the Great Patriotic War into the new Cold War era, though he attributed all of the significant achievements of the War to Russian citizens and minimized the sacrifices made by other ethnic groups....
I don’t remember ever being too hot to play outside, or too tired to run all the way home from a friend’s house and then jumping that ditch in the nick of time. I had to jumpthatditch.Thatditch had things in it that crawled and had legs with claws. Turns out they were crawdad...
The values for CP concentration and for total serum Cu are known, but the amount of Cu attributed to CP binding is assumed. In Table 2, we tested two assumptions (7.1 versus 6) about the stoichiometry of Cu binding to CP. The residual “non-CP Cu” must certainly be different depending...
66 or 67 at the latest, if they are to be attributed to Paul. Some exegetes think the Letters may be the work of disciples and written around the eighties. —1 and 2 Timothy: Two Letters. —Titus: One Letter. Toward the end of the 1st century a final writing supposedly by Paul ...
Triazoles formation is attributed to oxidative cycloaddition of benzaldehyde benzylhydrazone, the tautomer of DPAM, to the solvent nitriles. In confirmation, analogous cycloadditions were achieved by reaction of Th.+ClO4− with some benzaldehyde phenylhydrazones in the same solvents....
Haijun Song Paul B. Wignall Hongfu Yin Letter02 Dec 2012 Variations of sulphur dioxide at the cloud top of Venus’s dynamic atmosphere A pulse of sulphur dioxide in Venus’s upper atmosphere was observed by the Pioneer Venus spacecraft in the 1970s and 1980s and attributed to volcanism...
Several speakers expressed the opinion that the statin drugs’ ability to reduce cardiovascular mortality has nothing to do with cholesterol reduction, but instead can be attributed to their anti-inflammatory effects. (A viewpoint that has been appearing in medical journals over the last few years....
Since then, more than a half million Americans died from the same thing before this pandemic even started, and now, up to one-third of the deaths from COVID-19 are being attributed to people not being able to get care early on in the course of the disease. I worked for the passage ...
I was the investigator in charge of a UPS Boeing 747 accident caused by an onboard fire leading to loss of control in flight di-recdy attributed to these products, spending two years testing the aircraft and the battery un-contained fire risk. There's no second-guessing with the facts: ...
The uncomfortable fact is, however, that a large consensus of NT scholarship maintains that certain NT writings, particularly Ephesians, the Pastorals and 2 Peter, are pseudepigraphic, the first two attributed to Paul, the last attributed to Peter. How then to handle the seeming contradiction ...