aFOURTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE CENTS TWENTY-TWO ONLY 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] aacknowledge receipt of the letter with your signature by return 回电承认具你的签名的信的收据[translate]
Confidential Information shall not be deemed proprietary and the Recipient shall have no obligation with respect to such information where the information: 限制在保密信息上。保密信息不将被认为是私人和收件人关于这样的信息将没有义务哪里信息: [translate] achief envirnmental affairs correspondent 首要envirn...
The central butterfly wheel locks brandedwithletter‘H’; Hermèssignaturesaddle stitchingonairvents around the rims; The horseshoe radiator grille and[...] 馬蹄形的散熱器護柵,與兩邊的通風護柵均由輕量的合金製成,並以連扣的H字形設計組合,演繹出HERMÈS的經典標誌。
Your truly, (personal signature) Alex Lin B. Closing off a letter: Choose the one most appropriate to your relationship with the receiver of letter and circumstances: (formal letter closing is in italics) Always, Best, Best regards, Best wishes, Can’t wait to meet with you, Cheers, Congr...
7 Signature Finish out your letter with a signature. Much like a professional email signature, your recommendation letter signature should include more than your name. Although you likely mentioned your relationship with the candidate in your letter, include your professional title beneath your name. ...
(Signature) T.M.White Manager II. 附加部分 除了前面讲到的六个必需部分,根据实际需要,还会在函电中加入一些附加部分,如附件、再启、经办人名称、事由或标题、参考编号、抄送和姓名字首缩写等。同样,每部分都有自己的内容、作用、位置和需要注意的地方,下面一一进行介绍。 7. 附件(Enclosure) 如果除了信函之外...
First, you’ll need to create the image of your signature you want to insert at the end of your cover letter. To do this, sign a blank piece of paper and scan the page onto your computer. Save it under a common file format like .JPG or .PNG. ...
A status update.Let your referrer know what the latest news is with your college application status. A closing and a signature.Reiterate your gratitude and finish your letter with a signature. Tips for how to write a thank-you note that’s effective and phenomenal. ...
书信的基本构成要素包括: 1.称呼(salutation) 2.正文(body) 3.信尾敬语(complimentary close) 4.署名(signature) 跟课文学写作范式 (一)课文范式提炼 (二)常用范式推荐 跟课文学亮点表达 阅读两封信中对“自己曾面临的问题”的叙述,习得以下素养★学亮点表达 1.第一封信中,第一段第一句作者运用either…or…...
3)结束敬语(Co…|基于426个网页 3. 信文 ... Address) 称呼(Salutation)信文(Body of the letter) 结束语(Complimentary close) 署名(Signature) 附言(P. S. ) (1 )信头(He...|基于130个网页 更多释义 例句...