We must target known variables to expand the depths of our transformation—to build the foundations and platforms that we will use to counter all the risks and changes that lie ahead. When undergoing transformation in unknown territory, we must focus on results and allow room for failure when a...
•Writeyourletter,includingthefollowing:•abriefdescriptionofthepresentsituation•ananalysisofreasonsattributabletothe situation•theharmresultingfromfrequentstaffchanges•recommendationsforreducingstaffturnover.DearMr.Johnson,Inthelast2months,fivestaffmembersfromdifferentdepartmentshaveleftourcompany,andnoticeably,...
Eddie Wu announced in the letter that Alibaba has decided to focus on two strategies to adapt to the new trending of the internet industry: one is to go user-first; another is to be AI-driven. He said the company will recalibrate its operations around these two strategies and reshape its ...
CEO致全体员工的一封信 Letter From CEO to employees 坚定信念,重塑信心,赢得未来 --- 致多媒体全体员工的一封信 各位亲爱的同事:大家好!很荣幸能出任TCL多媒体CEO一职,感谢董事会的信 任!回到曾经一起奋斗过的你们当中,看着熟悉的工作 环境,又不那么熟悉的工作氛围,我深感责任重大。和你们中的很多人...
workforce. American Airline which filed for bankruptcy protection‚ also wants to make changes to its staff pensions. The airline lost about $884m and more in the first nine months of 2011. AMR’s chief executive‚ Thomas W Horton said in aletterto hisemployees"We are going to use the...
At my request, HR sent out about 70 emails on Sep 2nd to collect some ideas and suggestions. And I soon received a lot of constructive feedback. I also talked with over 30 staff, face to face or by telephone. Below is the brief: 1) As to the short-term problems, you mentioned ...
Career Changes and Life Situations Cover Letter Examples - When changing careers, focus your cover letter on your transferable skills and experiences. Only address anemployment gapif it’s ongoing and you’re trying to return to the workforce. ...
Depending on the situation, you may consider sending a follow-up email to make sure the customer is satisfied with the apology. You can address the changes you made since the original incident that prevent it from happening again. Example: Dear [Customer’s Name],I wanted to follow up regar...
era, we must reshape user value with the determination to start a business again, so that we can have the opportunity to continue serving customers in the coming decade,” the chief executive said. He warned Alibaba would be displaced if it doesn’t keep up with the changes of the AI ...
is laying off 13% of its staff, or more than 11,000 employees, CEO Mark Zuckerbergsaid in a letterto employees Wednesday. "Today I'm sharing some of the most difficult changes we've made in Meta's history,"Zuckerbergsaid in the letter. "I've decided to reduce the size of our team...