As a result of your clever manipulative machinations, I may never have the grace of experiencing from him (or any man, ever, for that matter), ALL the beautiful things he offered to you from his loyal, devoted essence that you ignored for over twenty years. I never earned that. You ...
Jonathan Cahn said Sept.26, 2020 marked: 1) 400th Anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower (marking the days of America’s founding and dedication to God); 2) 19 year anniversary of Sept.11, 2001 Tragedy (significant because according to Cahn, 2020 is 19 years from the Sept.11, 20...
For example Murray Habys’ evidence that he had found what the Aboriginals later confirmed were the tracks of the dingo that took Azaria and the marks where it had put her down. When we met him after he had given his evidence he told us he was not supposed to mention this, and only ...
Also in Iowa,WHOin Des Moines is the subject of this narrative provided by Gerald R. Jensen. who worked at WHO for ten years in the 1970's, and did a good deal of work on the 50th anniversary celebration in 1974. The Palmer family (Palmer College of Chiropractic) did not acquire the...
Numerous clowns useJN’smaterials to cheer up shut-ins and patients in hospitals, nursing, and retirement homes. Hospital and military chaplains useJNmaterials to lift the spirits of those they are counseling. The Joyful Noiseletter’sFacebook, monitored by Methodist Pastor Dale Schoening, has ...
The exhibition, organised by the Grenada Revolution Celebrations Committee (GRCC) as part of activities to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Revolution, runs from 11am to 7pm each day with a formal opening ceremony planned for 5pm on 13 March. ...
Ten years later, to mark the anniversary of the slaughter, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan suggested the world ‘apologize’ for the UN’s inaction by setting aside a moment of silence. “And let us, by what we do in one single minute, send a message – a message of remorse for the ...
Instead, he hides his cigarettes before coming to church and won t get too close when shaking your hand for fear you ll smell the smoke on him. Or the Christian who you know is saved, but he just can t quite give up the bottle. Or the Christian who got saved, but doesn t go ...
During his brief 3 years in the US Senate, he voted ‘present’ more than half the time. Obama was elected president in 2008 because of his race. Assessment: To Obama’s supporters, it is still all about race. They are simply projecting it on others, but in their eyes, race is ...
The poem was praised in Latin verse by the Protestant pastor Marron. In 1808 Halévy composed a prayer to be recited on the anniversary of the battle of Wagram; in 1817, with the help of some of his co-religionists, he founded the French weekly "L'Israélite Français," which, however...