To close a bank account you need to write to your bank branch manager indicating your name and account number, also indicate if you have returned all... Learn more about this topic: Commercial Bank Definition, Functions & Examples from ...
Authorization Letter Sample 1 – Authorization Letter to Collect Documents Rohit Sharma 123 Gandhi Lane New Delhi, 110001 India April 6, 2023 HDFC Bank Attn: Branch Manager 456 Nehru Street New Delhi, 110002 India Dear Branch Manager, I, Rohit Sharma, am writing to formally grant permission to...
To, Aroon Goyal Branch Manager HDFC Bank Delhi (India) Sub: Change of Authorized Signatory Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that as per the last Board of Directors meeting of our company held on 30.1.2018, authorized signatory for our CC Account No. 123-456-789 in...