Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in an art director cover letter As the Art Director for [Former Employer], I developed a new artistic budget that allowed for the leasing of a larger exhibition space at a 15% reduction in cost compared to the previous rental space u...
Fill in the recipient's full name or replace their first name with a title like "Dr." or "Professor." Always use a name if you can find one. If you can't, use a generalized stand-in like "Dear [company name/department] hiring committee" or "Dear [company name] board of directors...
Entertainment cover letter example (3) Whether you’re an actor or a DJ, a good cover letter will help you take your act to the main stage. Study our entertainment cover letter examples and learn how to get noticed. Entertainment Actor Entertainment DJ Theater Lighting Technician Create your ...
O'Neill Chairman of the Board LETTER FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO OUR STOCKHOLDERS Last year was a challenging year – for the global economy and for our firm. While we faced disappointments, such as the fraud at Banamex, our failure to win Federal Reserve approval for the 2014 capital ...
if you don’t know the contact person or you’re addressing a group, use an appropriate greeting such as “Dear Sir or Madam,”“Dear Hiring Manager,” or “Dear Board of Directors,”. It’s better to be too polite than too casual when choosing a greeting to use on a business lette...
Sample #1 Board o f D irectors The (Building A ddress) T enants C orporation Address New Y ork, N Y 10000 RE: C ooperative A pplication o f (Name)To: T he B oard o f D irectors I w rite i n s upport...
View original content: SOURCE Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc.PrevPreviousOramed Appoints Dr. Arie Mayer to Board of Directors NextOramed Appoints Dr. Jay Skyler to Scientific Advisory BoardNext You...
And just to note, while we are proud of the good things we do every day, we are also an organization that acknowledges the mistakes we make along the way, which is important to do. And when we do make mistakes, we own up to them, learn from them and then move on. UNITED BY ...
“Dear Dean of Admissions” or “Dear Board of Directors.” Gracefully yet glamorously recommend the candidate Try to avoid simple phrases like, “I’m a friend of…” and “I’m writing on behalf of..”. Instead, use phrases like: “It’s my pleasure to recommend” or “It’s an...
For instance, this may include a few directors, the head of the human resources department, and two consultants. If the board selects a leader for this team, you may include their name or personalize your letter by addressing it to the hiring manager. For example, you may say, Dear ...