Asset allocation Portfolio management Equity research Fixed income analysis Derivative analysis Trading Quantitative analysis Data analysis Forecasting Budgeting Business valuation Cash management Compliance Regulatory knowledge Aside from being adept at hard skills like interpreting data, employers also look for ...
I am sincerely sorry for not being able to attend this meeting. I am aware of the importance of the meeting but, unfortunately, my absence was unavoidable. The reason for not attending this meeting was that I had a car accident on the way to work that day. Although the accident was not...
business, institutions and personnel scale, the complexity of the company's R&D, procurement, production, sales and other links of resource allocation and internal control management continues to rise, which puts forward higher requirements for the company's organizational structure and operation...
Process. As part of the formal annual self-evaluation process, directors review overall Board and committee structure, the allocation of meeting time, cadence of meetings, and other meeting processes. Through the annual and ongoing year-round evaluation processes, directors have p...
The average has achieved rapid growth. However, with the further expansion of the company's assets, business, institutions and personnel scale, the complexity of the company's R&D, procurement, production, sales and other links of resource allocation and internal control management continues to rise...