At 300 pixels per inch a pixel will measure 1/300", at 72 ppi a pixel would be more than 4x larger at 1/72". And, yes don’t use Pixels for Width and Height, or Pixels/Centimeter for Resolution. Set the desired output dimensions in Inches (via the W&H d...
Figures are resized during publication of the final full text and PDF versions to conform to the SpringerOpen standard dimensions, which are detailed below. Figures on the web: width of 600 pixels (standard), 1200 pixels (high resolution). Figures in the final PDF version: width of 85 mm ...
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› Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall: In Celebration of 25 Years › Phantom Of The Paradise › Phat Girlz › Phenomenon › Philadelphia › Phineas & Ferb › Phineas & Ferb Across 1st & 2nd Dimensions › Photograph › Piece by Piece › Pineapple Exp...
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The recent paper (Wazwaz, 2022) and several others of the same author are devoted to study a variety of nonlinear equations that are called Boussinesq equations in distinct dimensions. The author considers those equations as non-trivial generalizations of the classical Boussinesq equation: u_(tt) ...
Missive without envelope to form a letter envelope in normal postal format from a sheet of paper, regardless of its dimensionsA sheet of paper, regardless of its shape, after it has been cut out, glued and perforated according to the instructions described, becomes a letter without an envelope...
31.Multifunctional Metasurface Tuning by Liquid Crystals in Three Dimensions. 三维液晶多功能超表面调谐。 32.Emergence of π-Magnetism in Fused Aza-Triangulenes: Symmetry and Charge Transfer Effects. 稠合氮杂三角烯中 π 磁性的出现:对称性和电荷转移效应。
And, yes don’t use Pixels for Width and Height, or Pixels/Centimeter for Resolution. Set the desired output dimensions in Inches (via the W&H dropdowns), and the desired output Resolution as Pixels/Inch. Because you are using Pixels/Centimeter, the image si...
SpringerOpen also requires that authors cite any publicly available data on which the conclusions of the paper rely in the manuscript. Data citations should include a persistent identifier (such as a DOI) and should ideally be included in the reference list. Citations of datasets, when ...