推荐信LetterofRecommendation致推荐人Totherecommender兹有.DOC,推荐信Letter of Recommendation 致推荐人To the recommender 兹有被推荐人报考北京大学光华管理学院工商管理硕士(MBA)。衷心感谢您在百忙之中拨冗填写本推荐信。请您完整填写下列内容,如果您有其它补充,
Well, uh, to, to complete the application, the career board needs aletter of recommendationfrom you. Hogy befejezzem a pályázatot, kellene tőled egyajánlólevél. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Anyone who wants and needs a license to use medical cannabis needs a doctor'sletter of recommendation. ...
FORM_2_letter of recommendation [1]Institute For use Application No. ___ Two letters of Recommendation are required. At least one of these must be completed by a university faculty member. Each form must be completed and signed by the referee himself/herself otherwise, the recommendation will ...
I guess at this point, I just have to trust that it wont be an issue, but you would think it's common sense to put a recommendation letter on letterhead! A document is not official unless its on letterhead! Imagine having your doctor write you a prescription on a piece of loose leaf...
题目的关键词是“recommendation letter〞,对应原文第 十段最后两句话:Two weeks later,when I amved home from work,Robbie handed me a letter.He was informed to call Dr. Plum for an interview.原文是说两周后,我下班回来,Robbie给我一封信,信上说让Robbie打 给Plum医生并约定面试时间。文中并没有说...
excited and nervous. you know i owe a lot to professor mercheno. he wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me a set of practise tapes and a book which goes with them. just so i can work on my basic conversation skills. m: how much japanese can you understand? w: ...
You are required to write a letter of recommendation(推荐信). Make use of the following information given in Chinese.寄信人:陈雨收信人:有关负责人写信日期:2006年7月25日内容:兹证明持信人李萍毕业于广州大学,主修英语文学专业。作为她的老师很乐意向..
4.WhatskillsdoesProfessorWilliamDotspeakhighlyof? Business. Herleadershipability.FillintheblankstocompletethefollowingletterofrecommendationaccordingtotheChinesehints.TaskPreparation2DearProf.Smith, (1.很高兴有机会介绍)AndrewFuller,oneofmyfavoritestudentstoyourschool.Andrewstudiedinmyclassforclosetothreeyears,during...
Are you looking for a sample letter of recommendation for medical school from doctor? Find a sample here and get the inspiration you need to write your commendation. If you’ve already written one and would like it to be polished to the standard of our examples, use our editing services. ...
your fitness to fly,werecommendyouobtainaletterfromyour doctor confirming that you’re fit for air travel. smartraveler.gov.au smartraveler.gov.au 如果您担心航空公司可能质疑您的健康状况不适于搭乘航班,我们建议您从您的医生处获得一封证明信,确认您的健康状况适于航空飞行。