Define Letter of Award (LOA)/Letter of Intent (LOI. means NBCC’s letter or notification conveying his acceptance of the tender subject to such conditions as may have been stated therein.
Sample 1 Related toThe Letter of Intent Letter of Intentmeans the intimation by a Post/Fax/email to the tenderer that the tender has been accepted in accordance with provisions contained in the letter. The responsibility of the contractor commences from the date of issue of this letter and al...
As such, we are pleased to present you with this non-binding letter of intent whereby Acquisition would acquire control of the Company through either a tender offer for the outstanding shares (including options) of the Company or through a merger....
“It is with a heavy heart that I tender my resignation as a paralegal here at Johnson & Wolfram. After much thought, I have decided that I would like to pursue a career in SEO, which aligns with my passion for technology and information architecture.” 4. Last day of work Letting an ...
http://xa.yimg/kq/groups/16966169/1662316416/name/Copy+of+FC+BG_HSBC+LondonKC%5B1%5D.doc Letter of Intent/Contract. Via: MR.SHONIT KC. Date: ... SWIFT MT-760 only followed by Hardcopy to be delivered via Bank courier within seven (7) ... Company : Title : STANDARD TENDER DOCUMENT...
This letter is the formal communication of intent from the writer to the audience. These are used for almost all official purposes and can be used as documentary evidence in a legal case. Hence, the entire content and its implication need to be carefully thought out before putting it on pape...
Along the way, God led us to people who actually knew what we SHOULD be doing, and many of them are now involved in the planning for this year. Nicole Boedecker, this year’s tour coordinator, (God bless her) just sent me the updated schedule for Road Tour 2007. For details check ...
The dollar continued to bear the promise of redemption in lawful US money until 1967 when the legend was changed to read, “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private,” in effect, BECOMING the thing it was supposed to measure. ...
Letter of Intent (LOImeans an intimation by a letter to Bidder that their Tender has been accepted in accordance with the provisions contained in the letter and hence to take preparatory steps and compliance of formalities to commence the work from the date desired by Owner. ...
the rejection of the tender; Written authorisation (the same individual cannot be authorised by two different firms); In case of Joint Venture / Association: Letter of Intent from Joint Venture / Association partner andIn case of Joint Venture / Association:Letter of Applicationfor each partner ...