The meaning of COMMENDATORY LETTER is a letter of commendation; specifically : a letter of introduction testifying to an individual's good standing in a church and given by a bishop to a traveling member of his diocese or to a cleric transferring to anot
(redirected fromLetter of Commendation) Category filter: AcronymDefinition LOCLibrary Of Congress LOCLines Of Code(software development) LOCLine Of Credit LOCLevel Of Consciousness(medical) LOCLocation LOCLine of Control LOCLocate(ing) LOCLoss of Control ...
Define Letter of Determination. Letter of Determination synonyms, Letter of Determination pronunciation, Letter of Determination translation, English dictionary definition of Letter of Determination. adj. 1. Exercising control or authority: the ruling ju
Letter of Commendation Letter of comment Letter of Compliance Letter Of Conditions Letter of Confirmation Letter Of Consent Letter Of Counseling letter of credence letter of credence letter of credence letter of credit Letter of Credit Assignment Letter of Credit Assignments Letter of Credit Purchase Ord...
Part of Speech:Noun, Feminine Transliteration:epistolé Pronunciation:eh-pis-to-LAY Phonetic Spelling:(ep-is-tol-ay') Definition:Letter, Epistle Meaning:a letter, dispatch, epistle, message. Word Origin:Derived from the Greek verb ἐπιστέλλω (epistellō), meaning "to send to" or...
addition to the Creed, was forced upon the Council, not indeed as a Creed, yet, on the other hand, not for subscription merely, but for its acceptance as a definition of faith under the sanction of an anathema, forced on the Council by the resolution of the Pope of the day, [...]...
definition for a variety of air quality terms! Just select the firstletterofthewordfromthe list below to jump to appropriate section of the glossary. 在此您可以找到空氣品質相關術語的定義!只需從下面的列表中選擇單詞的第一個字母,跳轉到相應部分的詞彙。
of Commendation set is a versatile addition to any school or office setting, designed to recognize achievements and milestones with elegance. Each pack includes 100 pieces, each featuring a distinct cartoon design, offering a fun and engaging visual appeal. The high-definition color printing ensures...
Conversely, the Church at Laodicea received no words of commendation from the Lord. The Church at Laodicea is representative of the visible Church today. Now, to return to the criticism I received for allegedly marrying the Pope when I signed the Manhattan Declaration: ...
The seventh and final, the Church of Laodicea, was the lukewarm Church for which the Lord had NO words of commendation. In Revelation 4:1, John is whisked from among the churches of the earth and finds himself witnessing the remainder of the vision from the perspective of heaven. There is...