You can have a ball while practicing the letter names of the notes on the music staff! This game includes notes on the staff with the treble clef, from middle C up to F on the fifth line. This is a fun way for beginning recorder students or band students to review and be active. ...
Treble Clef Note Matching Cupcakes Game Created by Jasmin Tan Teaching Aid Printable Info: - Practice Music Note Reading in a fun way - Treble Clef Middle C-G (Semibreve, dotted minim, minim, crotchet) - Students/Children are supposed to match the correct notes to theletternames by ...
This has helped students of mine gain the basic letter knowledge they need and allowed them to apply it in their pieces and sight-reading. Students go on to have a firm knowledge of which notes they are seeing and playing. Not Grade Specific Instrumental Music, Music FREE Log in to ...