These activities are fun for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students. Letter G Whether you are doing a farm unit or going through the letters of the alphabet with your toddlers, preschoolers, or kindergarteners – kids will love this g is for goat theme. From making a ...
I love using this center with my kindergarteners, but I remember having a digital version at one point that we could do whole group. Am I mis-remembering or was there at one point an interactive powerpoint version? Question |February 14, 2021from ...
It’s a start. Ways to use these cards Use them to introduce the alphabet to your toddler, as I did. Use them as review for an older preschooler or kindergartener. Put the cards on a ring, and have him/her first point to the letter and name it. Then name all the pictures before...
It’s a bonus when you find objects that begin with the letter you’re learning! My Five filled the M with dry macaroni. My Three filled his M with these colorful power magnets (worth every penny!). My Three likes to do these dot sticker pages that I make for him. See my entire...