Salutations don't change with the number of recipients. "Dear" is applicable to multiple recipients and is considered any business letter's default greeting. There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to addressing individuals. You can state each name and individual title, or you can combin...
Greeting.Always address a supporter by their preferred first name or title. For most donors, their first name is better than “Mr/Ms.” Major donors or individuals with prominent roles in the community may prefer a more formal salutation. Ask amount.Reference an individual’s giving history to...
To Whom It May Concern, — A traditional phrase for unknown recipients. Use it sparingly, as it can appear overly formal or outdated. Remember, the goal of a personalized greeting is to start the letter on a respectful note, conveying your attention to detail and respect for the reader. 5...
Here’s how to start a cover letter for a data analyst: Build a professional cover letter header that includes your and your recipients' information. That’s how you show the reader that this is not yet another generic cover letter. Start with the correct greeting. Find out the name of ...
Different circumstances determine which salutation or greeting is most appropriate. Use "Dear" when the recipient's name or title is known. Examples include "Dear Mr. Doe" or "Dear Sales Director." When the name or title is unknown, use "To Whom It May Concern." Always punctuate the salut...
If the group is one in which you would like to address an individual whose title and name are unknown, it is appropriate to use the greeting “To Whom It May Concern.” While this phrase assumes that it is intended for an individual, it is appropriate to use when addressing a group. ...
Salutation称呼The salutation is the polite greeting with which a letter begins. Place it two lines below the inside address. The salutation should correspond to the first line of the inside address, The customary formal greeting in a business letter is“Dear Sir”or“Dear Madam” used for addre...
Using ‘小’ (Xiǎo) (little)before the surname is a friendly way to address younger people or peers in an informal yet respectful manner. Writing the Body The body of a Chinese email follows the greeting and is where you articulate the main purpose of your message. It should be clear,...
Use single line spacing; leave a blank line between paragraphs. Stick to the basic format of a friendly greeting and statement of the letter's purpose in your first paragraph, facts and supporting evidence in the second and a summary and a call to action, if appropriate, in the third. Tha...
But as the father tells the obedient son, ” Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.” The obedient son’s reward is that his full inheritance is intact. The prodigal son gets nothing but a warm greeting and a place to call home. ...