Links elsewhere· fontspace· In block Latin Extended Additional, U+1E00 to U+1EFF (PDF on In unicode since approx 1995Other unicode stuffUnicode string properties Normalization Original: U+1EF1 (ự)Decomposed (NFD and NFKD):U+0075 U+031B U+03...
InupiakIK IrishGA ItalianIT JapaneseJA JavaneseJW KannadaKN KashmiriKS KazakhKK KinyarwandaRW KirghizKY KirundiRN KoreanKO KurdishKU LaothianLO LatinLA Latvian, LettishLV LingalaLN LithuanianLT MacedonianMK MalagasyMG MalayMS MalayalamML MalteseMT ...
The Bank will capture thumb impressions or IRIS of candidates in digital format for biometric verification of the genuineness of the candidates. The candidate will ensure that correct thumb impression or IRIS is captured at the prelims stages. Hence, candidates are advi...