Non-Travelling Parent 2 - Full Legal Name (note: leave this field blank if one parent will be travelling with the child) Non-Travelling Parent's Telephone Number* Please include area code City of Current Residence* Travel Destination*
aParental Letter of Consent from your non-accompanying parent(s) authorizing your travel. This letter should contain the dates of travel and your parent(s)’ contact information 同意父母亲信件从您批准您的旅行的非伴随的父母(s)。 这封信件应该包含旅行和您的父母(s)’联络信息日期[translate]...
Subject: Consent letter for my child to travel with one parent Dear Sir/Madam I, Suresh Khanna, declare that I am the parent and legal guardian of the child Mayuri Khanna, Female, born on 22nd November 2004 in Kolkata West Bengal. TRIP INFORMATION I give my consent for my child to trave...
mother,father,grandparent,sister,brother,relative,friend,other Numberanddateofissueofpassport: numberdd/mm/yyyy Issuingauthorityofpassport: countrywherepassportwasissued Contactinformationduringtrip I/Wegiveourconsentforthischildtotravelto: Destination(s): ...
(under 18 years of age) is traveling with his one parent, and this parent is separated or divorced from the other, a letter of consent is essential in this situation. A formal letter of approval is also required if a minor child is traveling with neither parent or with neighbor, family ...
Child Has Only One Parent– If a minor child has only one parent as evidenced by the child’s birth certificate, a notarized copy of the birth certificate or the original may be sufficient proof allowing for travel. For afree sample templateof a Travel Consent, please click one of the file...
Relationship to child: 关系 mother, father, grandparent, sister, brother, relative,friend,other Numberand date of issue ofpassport: 日期 number dd/mm/yyyy Issuing authority of passport: CHINA country where passport was issued I givemyconsent forthis child totravel to: Destination(s): The United...
1.note Verbale from the travel agency2.Invitation letter from Inviter and the Inviter's business license(copy form)3.Return tickets itinerary4.Children under 16 shall apply visa with parent and provide kinship certificate and letter from the other parent,elaborating that the children will be ...
travel all the time: more or less “I’m traveling internationally with my child but without the child’s other parent. Do I need anything special?”, “Do I need permission to take my kids on vacation?”, and “Is a letter of consent/permission required to travel with one parent?” ...
When do I need to use a Child Travel Consent? If the child is travelling with both birth parents, a Child Travel consent should not be needed. However, in any other situation (for example, the child is travelling with only one birth parent, or a grandparent or other guardian), a Child...