此步骤会让你在该域名的dns解析中 增加一条txt记录 key是_acme-challenge,value是此步骤生成的, letsencrypt这么做 应该是确保域名所有权一直在你这里。 //生成pfx文件 用于iis 绑定ssl证书用 cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/yingxiaobu.com/ openssl pkcs12 -export -out yingxiaobu.pfx -inkey privkey.pem -in ...
rsiera Topic starter Aug 20, 2022 11:39 am (@rsiera) Active Member Joined: 5 years agoLet me answer my own question for future reference:LetsEncrypt certificates are automatically renewed. This renewal process is triggered by a Windows Scheduled task on the IIS Server that hosts the web...
windowsiisubuntulinuxhttps 利用certbot工具配置Let’s encrypt通配符证书,所域名下所有的子域名都能方便的使用 https证书,而且完全免费。值得关注的是,Let’s encrypt通配符证书只是针对二级域名,并不能针对主域名,如*.hubinqiang.com和hubinqiang.com 被认为是两个域名,如果和我一样使用的是主域名,在申请的时候需要...
letsencrypt通过访问你服务器上生成的一个随机文件来验证你的域名,所以再使用cerbot脚本之前,首先需要确保要能够通过你的域名直接访问到.well-known目录,如果你讲随机文件放倒/var/www/server/challenges可以这样配置nginx。 代码语言:javascript 复制 server{server_name www.yoursite.com yoursite.com;location^~/.well...
dns_del_windows_dnsserver Notes: The script supports optional second level TLDs. sub.domain.co.uk You can update the reqexp .(co|com).uk to fit your needs. IIS internet information service Under folder other_scripts you can find a PowerSheell script iis_install_certeficate.ps1 which gene...
Windows Server 2016+ Internet Information Services (IIS) .Net Framework 4.8+ Command-Line Usage Open this utility's profile file to see additional options available. It is usually located in the same folder as 'GetCert2.exe' and has the same name with '.config' added (see 'GetCert2.exe...
dns_del_windows_dnsserver Notes: The script supports optional second level TLDs. sub.domain.co.uk You can update the reqexp .(co|com).uk to fit your needs. IIS internet information service Under folder other_scripts you can find a PowerSheell script iis_install_certeficate.ps1 which gene...