Docker EngineCompose typoknig(typoknig)February 26, 2024, 6:32pm1 I’m planning out a server upgrade for an orgainzation which has typically run all apps/services natively, but wants to take advantage of Docker containers. I’m developing this plan on a test server before putting into produc...
docker-letsencrypt This project runs from scripts and the Docker containers are short-lived. They check on and renew certs and then exit. There are options here for "DNS Made Easy", "Cloudflare", and nothing, which uses a local web server that's part of certbot. This project was split ...
the docker-gen(nginx-gen) container is connected to the docker api and watches changes of running containers (for example started and stopped containers). It then looks for evironment variables (like VIRTUAL_HOST, VIRTUAL_NETWORK, VIRTUAL_PORT) on this containers and uses them to create a n...
If you run onlydocker-compose up -dyou will be prompted to set your admin password when accessing your browser. This container must be in a network connected to your webproxy containers or use the same network of the webproxy. Please keep in mind that when starting for the first time it...
官方的安装 CA 签名密钥内容如下: 购买 SSL 首先你获得已经对你域名签名的密钥,这个密钥通常的格式是 key 和 crt。如果你对 https 签名的流程还不太了解的话,你可以搜索下相关文章。最简单的逻辑就...
比如本文中的, 解析生效后继续以下操作。 有一个bug,先用以下命令fix: mkdir -p /volumes/proxy/templates/ vi /volumes/proxy/templates/nginx.tmpl {{ define"upstream"}} {{if.Address }} {{/*If we got the containers from swarm and this container's port is published to host, use...
I checked my proxy configuration again and I figure out I couldn’t start my other containers too. They runs in the same error. So I look at the proxy container project on docker hub and there was a link to an new project. The project what I use is deprecated. I will now chance ...
"", # docker0网卡ip地址 "node1", "node2", "node3" "kubernetes", "kubernetes.default", "kubernetes.default.svc", "kubernetes.default.svc.cluster", "kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" ], "key": { "algo": "rsa",
启动镜像,注意先建立/home/gitlab,免得容器销毁数据全无。 还要注意,因为git使用22号端口,这里映射...
My normal Apache sites and a number of docker sites. I use HAProxy to direct traffic to the Docker containers if the domain matches, otherwise it sends all other traffic to my normal Virtualmin Apache. All that works fine, but now I want to use https on my docker sites. My current ...