It's not valid it's just plain weird. People have private stuff on their phones. At the same time people have super useful stuff on their phones that kids, family members and others might want to momentarily use. That you think everyone, not just you, but everyone should be ...
Why you being so weird about this? This person is likely a 14 year old who is just experiencing the world as a 'grown up' and has the same hot takes we all did when finding out about real world issues. "I don't do this, can't imagine any scenario where I would d...
This is so weird to have happened, and even weirder is the fact that this type of a war-game is going on the morning of 911. This type of event would be similar to seeing Oswald and the CIA training how to kill Kennedy in Dealy Plaza an hour before it happened. http://...
Öffne und teile dieses GIF whooo, lets get it, lass uns gehen, mit allen, die du kennst. Größe 480 x 264 px. Die GIF wurde von erstellt. Lade die beliebtesten GIFs aufgeregt, nba, basketball, nba all star 2017, james harden, auf GIFER.c
GIF from"Star Wars: The Force Awakens"/Disney. Yes. That's kind of weird. Why would they do that? I mean, why wouldn't they do that? It's just, I don't know. It seems like ... why do they have to, like ... make a whole thing out of it?
Some people are also, as people are prone to be, getting a little weird. "Fans" of both systems are eager to prove that one console is somehow "better" than the other, and will use any piece of information they get their hands on to prove their point. P It's inevitable that, of...
Screen recording (GIF) Scrolling capture Webpage capture Auto capture After capture tasks You can select any or all of these tasks to be automatically run after each screen capture. Show quick task menu Show "After capture" window Add image effects / watermark Open in image editor Copy image ...
Perhaps if the thriller element were executed better, I’d have forgiven the story thread for being such a glaring sore thumb. But it was a weird fit for a show like this, and for most of the drama it was such an afterthought that it was literally shoehorned into the epilogues as the...
Sometimes art direction would like ‘larger’ eyes, this is sometimes attempted by making the eyeball larger, but then it can feel weird when the eye is too large for the socket. This causes issues with the rotations of the eye. For reference, take a look at people who have been handed...