Lethal Company is a highly popular cooperative survival horror game developed by indie studio Zeekerss. Set in a retro-futuristic setting of a distant science fiction future, players are tasked to work as contracted employees of "The Company" to collect valuable scrap from abandoned, industrialized...
taking its spot from Kinetic Games’ Phasmophobia. Released on October 24, 2023, as an early access title, Lethal Company is all about scavenging and exploring abandoned, industrialized moons. Well, you aren’t doing that out of curiosity, of course. It’s to sell whatever you...
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1966720/Lethal_Company/ Siri Members 5.8k Posted November 27, 2023 I've watched lots of people play it, but haven't myself (I'm fucking awful with horror games). It looks good - phasmophobia + sci-fi capitalism is a good mix, and they've ...
Lethal Company: Regia di Zeekerss. A group of employees working for a large corporation must gather scrap on distant moons in order to reach a quota. Only problem is many horrors waiting for them in the beyond.
Company Building Secret in Lethal Company You can find the Company Building secret on 71-Gordion Moon. Once you exit your ship, instead of selling your scrap and doing your job, head between two ship containers on your left. There, you will find an inconspicuous hatch. ...
Following in the footsteps of Dead by Daylight and Phasmophobia, Lethal Company has put gamers on notice with its dystopian feel and horror elements. It’s already proving to be a great party game to play with friends, and with a few more updates it could be considered one of the best ...