Lethal Company is a great game, but since it’s still in early access, the community has many ideas for things they’d like to add. Luckily, modders have taken matters into their own hands. Recommended Videos The most popular mods show what the community would like for the developer to...
Lc-hax是Lethal Company(致命公司)開發的一個內部作弊工具,這款工具充滿創意、功能豐富,而且完全不需要特權權限。我們致力於確保使用者能夠輕松而無障礙地享受遊戲內的各種功能,而不必擔心遭受限制或限制。更新時間:2024年1月4日,晚上20點27分: 為了提供更好的使用體驗,我們對指令進行了最佳化,現在指令變得更加簡單...
The worst part of Lethal Company is that it only allows a maximum of four players in co-op. This can easily be changed with the More Company mod, enabling lobbies of up to 32 players on the same server. It’s recommended only to have eight players to make the server run smoothly with...
One of the biggest mods to help out Lethal Company gameplay is theMoreCompanymod. This one is simple: it increases the lobby size for Lethal Company. You no longer must adhere to the sign on the ship that states the maximum occupancy is four employees. Now, you can group up with up to...
Recommended Videos Best Lethal Company Credit Mod At the moment of writing, there are very few mods for providing unlimited credits for Lethal Company. I have mentioned two such mods below. Game Master Mod This modby GameMasterDevs is a master mod pack with several features. These include infin...
Recommended Videos Brutal Company is a more lethal version ofLethal Company‘s base game. It increases its overall difficulty by adding random Moon events, increasing the number of monsters that can spawn at once, and lowering your chances of survival in a more hostile environment. Unique monster...
but it features more role variety and game modes.It was first released in 2021, butwent viral in 2023after a member of teh Korean boy band BTS played it. Building off that success, Gaggle Studios is now making a game that riffs onLethal Company’sformula, just asGoose Goose Ducktakes in...
1.4.8 for Lethal Company v69 Has Released! LethalLevelLoader is a custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of custom levels and dungeons in Lethal Company. Mod Developers can provide LethalLevelLoader with their custom content via code or via automatic AssetBundle detection, and ...
1. LaunchLethal Companyand navigate to theSettingsmenu. 2. Find the slider forGammaorBrightnessand increase the levels as preferred. Note:While the recommended Gamma settings level for the game is 50%, if necessary, you can max it out. ...
LethalCompany InputUtils Utilities for creating InputActions and having them be accessible in-game. InputActions created through this mod are accessible in-game via the keybinds menu added in update v45.For feature requests or issues head over to my repo...